I saw my first swallow, so the summer is now officially here. And about time!

The week started quiet enough with more seeding in the kasvihuone and looking after the tomatoes. We did some raking on the field but it was very wet mid-week and slowed things up. Thursday thankfully was better weather and a few people showed up to help rake.
I forgot to mention to you that ROK has a work trainee: Suvi who is doing her practical for a horticultural course in Mantysala. She will be here most of the summer, so you should see her around.
Over 90 members came for the share. This is the most we have had so far.
The high point of the week was the ROK kahvila on Saturday. It looks like it was a great success. Thanks to all concerned!
Our 'experimental' indoor crops are coming along fine. Unfortunately not quick enough for ravintola paiva but hopefully there will be something soon. I'm going to put the potatoes outside to try and get the growth to move from the leaves to the roots.
Now that we have a bit of heat, the plentyfull tomatoes should start to ripen.
The leeks, celery and celeraic are growing well. We also now have the first batch of cucumbers planted.
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