Its late on Sunday, but I want to get a small diary entry before the end of the week.
The week started more or less as normal these days: watering, trimming the tomatoes, a bit of planting and transplanting.
On Wednesday, Suvi a student from a horticultural course came on a trial.
Then Thursday saw a sudden change of pace with the first share. Its always a bit of a rush to get everything ready on time, however small the share. I hope you all enjoyed the salaatti. There will be plenty more of it to come. Nearly 70 shares were collected altogether.
Then Friday was a chance to clear up, get the kasvihuone beds ready for the next crop and to start a big job with transplanting seedlings (a few thousand in all).
As you can see, the kasvihuone is really in bloom:
The field is also coming along nicely. Thats our winter garlic coming on strong.
Harri raked the field with the tractor on Thursday so the heavy work is about to begin. There is less couch grass weed than last year, but still plenty to clear off before we plant. See the notice for a talkoot on 8th May.
sunnuntai 27. huhtikuuta 2014
maanantai 21. huhtikuuta 2014
Viiko 5
This was the week where it felt like summer arrived. In fact, I have just got back from my mokki and it was as good as any summer trip.
This was also the week when the potatoes in the kasvihuone finally appeared above ground. I also moved the kesäkurpisä from the seeding room to bags in the kasvihuove. So, it is now a race to see what is ready to eat by Ravintola päivä.
As you have hopefully seen, we are having our first share next Torstai (24th). This share is 2 salads.
The salads will soon be joined by some herbs. Thats the tilli in the foreground and its shooting up.
Friday was Pitka Perjantai and our friends from Kaupungin Kylä come to plant some seeds in the morning. This is an old tradition and symbolises new life, new beginnings.
This was the week where it felt like summer arrived. In fact, I have just got back from my mokki and it was as good as any summer trip.
This was also the week when the potatoes in the kasvihuone finally appeared above ground. I also moved the kesäkurpisä from the seeding room to bags in the kasvihuove. So, it is now a race to see what is ready to eat by Ravintola päivä.
As you have hopefully seen, we are having our first share next Torstai (24th). This share is 2 salads.
The salads will soon be joined by some herbs. Thats the tilli in the foreground and its shooting up.
Friday was Pitka Perjantai and our friends from Kaupungin Kylä come to plant some seeds in the morning. This is an old tradition and symbolises new life, new beginnings.
torstai 17. huhtikuuta 2014
Kahvila ROK
Lahden ROK järjestää seuraavana ravintolapäivänä, 17.5., kahvilan pellon laidalla. Meitä on kahvilaa järjestämässä tällä hetkellä noin 10 henkilön joukkue. Tulemme tarjoamaan tuoreen sadon antimia, muita herkkuja ja Ullan kakkuja kahvillassa pellon laidalla tai sateen sattuessa vajassa.
Tarvitsemme kevyitä puutarhakalusteita ko. päivänä, joten laittakaa viestiä minulle (ulla.ojanen@elisanet.fi), jos voit lainata kalusteita Kahvila ROKin käyttöön.
Kahvila on nyt rekisteröity ravintolapäivän sivuille. Siellä on myös tämä linkki:
Kutsu paikalle ystäväsi!
Kevätterveisin Ulla
First share!
Next Torstai, 24th, will be our first share. There will be 2 salatti each.
Because it is a small amount to collect, we are giving the option of being able to get it from MeaManna cafe in town. If anyone wants to collect from MeaManna rather than from the kasvihuone, email me at noelbruder@gmail.com.
T, Noel
Next Torstai, 24th, will be our first share. There will be 2 salatti each.
Because it is a small amount to collect, we are giving the option of being able to get it from MeaManna cafe in town. If anyone wants to collect from MeaManna rather than from the kasvihuone, email me at noelbruder@gmail.com.
T, Noel
sunnuntai 13. huhtikuuta 2014
Viiko 4
This week was spent weeding, watering, seeding and clearing.
I was also helping out a bit with Eeva, transferring flower seedlings to pots. They come in batches for about 5000, so there is plenty to do.
We also had a visit from a Nursery Growers Association that was touring around. I think they are mostly in the same business as Aaltoset Putarha and some of them were very interested in the idea of the kind of cooperation we have with Eeva.
Another highpoint of the week was preparing and applying the biodynamic horn preparation, '500'. This is part of the process of bringing vitality to the soil and supporting growing. The mixture is stirred for an hour, creating a vortex to enhance the preparations properties.
Perhaps Harri or Jussi would write something more on this in Finnish if people are interested.

I mentioned last week that we will start using a bit of field that Lahden Town own and will rent to us for very little. It is situated just by Perttu's house at the top of our current field.
The first job is to clear the scrub and brush. We will then start to dig and weed.
The Garden Group is still to meet to finalise what the best thing to do with the field is, but it would seem to lend itself to growing fruit. More later!
And finally, here's a good one: Aada the Rokwiler!
I was also helping out a bit with Eeva, transferring flower seedlings to pots. They come in batches for about 5000, so there is plenty to do.
We also had a visit from a Nursery Growers Association that was touring around. I think they are mostly in the same business as Aaltoset Putarha and some of them were very interested in the idea of the kind of cooperation we have with Eeva.
Another highpoint of the week was preparing and applying the biodynamic horn preparation, '500'. This is part of the process of bringing vitality to the soil and supporting growing. The mixture is stirred for an hour, creating a vortex to enhance the preparations properties.
Perhaps Harri or Jussi would write something more on this in Finnish if people are interested.

And....,as you can see, the growing is certainly going well at the moment.

I mentioned last week that we will start using a bit of field that Lahden Town own and will rent to us for very little. It is situated just by Perttu's house at the top of our current field.
The first job is to clear the scrub and brush. We will then start to dig and weed.
The Garden Group is still to meet to finalise what the best thing to do with the field is, but it would seem to lend itself to growing fruit. More later!
And finally, here's a good one: Aada the Rokwiler!

maanantai 7. huhtikuuta 2014
Vappupicnic ROKs
Kuva kertookin jo kaiken. Kutsu on ihan kaikille. Koska isommalla joukolla etenkin vappupicnic vain tuntuu enemmän vappupicniciltä. Omat eväät, hyvä varustus, kosteutta hylkivä alusta/viltti, hyvää mieltä ja vaikka hassu hattu.
Jokainen huolehtii omat roskat roskikseen – tietenkin sitten paikan päällä. Tosin hyvät roskiksethan siellä onkin.
sunnuntai 6. huhtikuuta 2014
Week 3
The garden is growing well. The big job this week was to collect kourut from an old nursery. Harri and I has to transport the 6-7 meter kourut by trailer from near Hämelinnä and then erect them in our glasshouse. We then transferred our herbs from the growing table to the kouruja.
During the week Perttu and I met with Suvi, a trainee gardener from Lahti, who would like to come to ROK for work experience. She will start next week on a part-time basis and hopefully come on-board full-time once the field is being worked.
And......that cant be far away!!!! Thats our over-wintered garlic beginning to come out.
Perttu and I also met with the town forester about the bit of land at the back of the field that we are trying to take in hand. More about this next week.
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